Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

Good Rutsch!

Hey you outta there in the european fridge,
I was not posting any stuff for weeks and so my bad conciousness moved me behind the laptop, typing some lines. Last night I saw my favourite movie "Into the wild" and I liked it when the protagonist wrote in his book: "Happiness only real when shared." So I thougt of sharing my happiness with you, and want to let u know that I am fine here in Mancora kissing the breast of nature and I hope everyone is well. I have to say, that I miss a lot of people sometimes arround me, but then I remember how fast time is running (so soon I will be back). I write down my next info in Ecuador, where I will start to work in a hostal at the beginning of January. Much love from me kisses and free hugs to everyone.
Euer Johannes

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